Greener Pastures

(click here for abbreviations)


Size “0” hook
Size 10 thread in a shade of green and in a floral color
Small amount of seed beads - approx 70 (you may not use them all)
    or "E" beads - approx 25
Beading or small embroidery needle
Invisible quilting thread, beading thread or other sewing thread that will blend in with the floral color


All ends should be worked in whenever you are most comfortable doing so.


1st motif (background)
Chain 5, join with slip stitch to form ring
Rnd 1:slip stitch in ring, chain 3, 15 double crochet in ring, join with slip stitch to 3rd beginning chain
Rnd 2:  chain 4, (double crochet, chain 1) in each stitch around, join with slip stitch to 3rd beginning chain; 16 chain-spaces
Rnd 3:  chain 6, (double crochet, chain 3) in each double crochet around, join with slip stitch to 3rd beginning chain
Rnd 4:  chain 9, (treble crochet, chain 5) in each double crochet around, join with slip stitch to 4th beginning chain
Finish off

2nd background motif
Work 1st 3 rounds same as first motif
Rnd 4:  chain 9, (treble crochet, chain 5) in the next double crochet, treble crochet in next double crochet, chain 3, use hook to pull working loop of current motif through any loop on 1st motif, chain 2, treble crochet in next double crochet on current motif, chain 3, use hook to pull working loop of current motif through next loop on 1st motif, chain 2, treble crochet in next double crochet of current motif, finish same as 1st motif

Remaining background motifs
Continue making and joining motifs in the same manner as motif #2, leaving 2 unused loops between joining loops on all motifs
Complete and join 16 motifs total in 4 rows of 4

Background finished, block as needed.

With floral color
Chain 2, 6 single crochet in 2nd chain from hook, join with slip stitch to 1st single crochet
Work 1 cluster in each stitch around (these will all be worked individually – you’ll have a lot of ends, sorry)

1st Cluster: chain 3, * yarn over, insert hook in same stitch, draw up a loop, yarn over and draw through 2 loops, repeat from * 2 more times, yarn over, and draw through all loops on hook

Remaining Clusters: join as with double crochet, draw up a loop, yarn over and draw through 2 loops, complete same as first cluster from *.

Weave all loose ends in on flowers

Optional leaves
With same or similar color to background
Chain 4, 3 double crochet in 4th chain from hook, chain 3, turn, work cluster across previous row, finish off

Using needle and sewing or beading thread attach flowers (and leaves) to doily and embellish centers with small clusters of beads

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Last Update: April 6, 2008

These patterns and photos may be reproduced for personal use only.  If you are interested in any other uses, please contact me at the above email address and I will gladly discuss permissions.  Thank you.

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